Biden is going back to South Carolina to get more backing from Black voters

south carolina
Biden is going back to South Carolina to get more backing from Black voters

President Joe Biden made a clear difference between himself and Donald Trump, the leading Republican candidate. He said that Trump had not fought for the rights of black Americans and was a threat to the economy and democracy of the United States. Biden said these things at a dinner party on Saturday.

South Carolina’s rise to power and its large number of black voters made it the first of the Democratic Party’s races heading up to the November election.Biden talked about what he had done as president, including his commitment to a diverse White House staff, more money for historically black schools, lower insulin costs, relief from student debt, and the appointment of the first black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court. He said that these things were “promises made, promises kept.”

South Carolina Dynamics: Biden’s Challenges, Trump’s Mix-Ups, and the Path to 2024

Protesters, who didn’t like the president’s views on Israel and the Palestinian problem, cut him off during his speech. Some black voters who voted for Biden in 2020 gave him mixed reviews. He wants to get more black voters to support him, especially in South Carolina.

Biden said that his Republican opponent seems “a little confused these days,” referring to Trump’s recent mix-up between Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi. He was talking about a possible fight with Trump in 2024. The President talked about how important South Carolina was to his election while visiting a barber shop in downtown Columbia with U.S. Representative James Clyburn. Clyburn’s support was a key factor in Biden’s win in 2020.

On February 3, the Democratic primary in South Carolina will take place. Biden is expected to win easily, making his road to the party’s nomination even stronger. In response to Biden’s words, Steven Cheung, Trump’s spokesman, said that Biden’s presidency had let down Americans from all walks of life.

The dinner was the end of a busy week for the Biden campaign, during which surrogates worked to get people across the state to vote. Even though Biden tried to change the date of New Hampshire’s Democratic primary, it still happened earlier this month, and Biden supporters were able to organize a winning write-in campaign. Biden’s unlikely Democratic opponent, Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips, spoke to the crowd. He acknowledged that Biden had a lot of support in the primary, but he stressed how important it is for every race to have more than one candidate.

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