Sir Simon Clarke, a former cabinet member, says Sunak needs to be replaced as PM

Sir Simon Clarke, a senior Conservative MP, has demanded that Rishi Sunak step down as party leader, expressing concern that the Conservatives may suffer a “massacred” performance in the forthcoming general election if Sunak remains in charge.

sunak,Sir Simon Clarke
Sir Simon Clarke, a former cabinet member, says Sunak needs to be replaced as PM

According to Sir Simon’s piece in the Telegraph, the party requires a leader who “shares the instincts of the majority” and the Conservatives are alienating “key voters” because they aren’t courageous enough on matters like immigration and government reform. The need for a leader who can appeal to the masses was something he stressed.

Sir Simon Clarke Sparks Controversy with Call for Sunak’s Resignation

Several former Tory cabinet ministers have spoken out against Sir Simon’s remarks, which have caused a stir within the party. In response to Sir Simon’s stance, Minister Kevin Hollinrake said that the “overwhelming view of the party” supports Rishi Sunak for the position.

Following in the footsteps of former education minister Dame Andrea Jenkyns, the former levelling-up secretary has openly demanded Sunak’s resignation. The former chief secretary to the Treasury under Sunak, Sir Simon, backed Liz Truss for leadership and became a cabinet member for her.

Following the uprising against Sunak’s centerpiece Rwanda Bill, which sought to discourage migrants from using tiny boats to cross the Channel, the schisms within the Conservative Party have been more pronounced in the past several weeks. A major revolt against Sunak’s premiership was marked last week when sixty-one Conservative MPs voted to amend the law.

The Conservative Party, according to Sir Simon, is perched on the brink of disaster under Sunak’s leadership. His message to his colleagues lawmakers was clear: think about the fallout from your decision. He made it clear that doing nothing would be a decision in and of itself.

As a general election looms on the horizon, the essay mirrors the difficulties and schisms that have long plagued the Conservative Party. There are doubts regarding the party’s capacity to present a unified front in the forthcoming electoral battle due to internal disputes over important policy matters.

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