Trump spread a story about votes. What did really happen?

A scandal with voting caught on video in Bridgeport, New England, has caught the attention of Donald Trump and his supporters. They see it as proof of bigger problems with voter fraud. However, experts stress that election theft is very uncommon and that this case is unique to Bridgeport’s unstable local politics.

People allegedly linked to Mayor Joe Ganim were seen stuffing ballots into voting drop boxes on surveillance video that was leaked in September. This caused a lot of controversy. A judge said that the results of the Democratic primary could not be trusted, so the primary had to be held again on Tuesday.

Trump’s Focus on Bridgeport Unveils Complexities in Local Politics

People, including former President Trump, who say there was widespread election fraud are focusing on what’s happening in Bridgeport. Reports from the city say that its politics are complicated, with many different groups and allegiances that make it similar to Beirut. Trump says that the voting system is a “giant scam,” but experts and government officials say that US elections are generally safe and secure.

The surveillance footage showed that local election laws were broken when people connected to Mayor Ganim put more than one vote in a drop box. However, people who support Gomes, Ganim’s rival, were also seen doing the same things. The problem is Connecticut’s stricter rules on absentee votes. Only authorized people, like family members, caregivers, police officers, or election officials, are allowed to handle these ballots. People caught on tape weren’t supposed to be there, so what they were doing was against the law in the state.

Trump's Focus on Bridgeport Unveils Complexities in Local Politics
Trump’s Focus on Bridgeport Unveils Complexities in Local Politics

Experts stress that election fraud is very rare in the US. Each year, only a few people are found guilty of it, and the cases involved a very small number of votes. People think that Bridgeport’s unique political situation and the way it works are a more likely reason for what is happening in the city.

Even though some Republicans still think there is widespread voting fraud, especially when it comes to the 2020 election, Trump has had a hard time proving these claims. Officials in Bridgeport are still confident in the overall fairness of US elections and stress their ability to find and deal with cases of fraud when they happen. On Tuesday, the Democratic primary will be held again, which should show how complicated and difficult Bridgeport’s political situation is.

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