The US and UK attack the Houthis in Yemen again

On Monday, the US and UK carried out more airstrikes together against Houthi targets in Yemen. Eight places were hit, including an underground storage area and Houthi bases for missiles and monitoring. Attacks on ships in the Red Sea have been made by Houthi rebels who say they have ties to Israel and the West.

Both the US and the UK said that the strikes are meant to protect the free flow of trade. Eighth US strikes against Houthi targets, and the second one the US and UK worked together on. Support came from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands, according to the joint statement.

Attacking Houthi Targets: US-UK Joint Operation

The attacks were carried out by four RAF Typhoons and US fighter jets from the USS Eisenhower. The UK Ministry of Defence said that precision-guided bombs were used in the attacks to weaken the Houthis’ skills. Grant Shapps, the UK’s defense secretary, said that the strikes were necessary to protect merchant ships from threats that could not be tolerated.

The attacks were part of Operation Poseidon Archer, which aimed to hurt the Houthis even more. However, the Houthis are still stubborn and are continuing to attack ships. The most recent attacks went after new targets after earlier attacks on Houthi launch sites were stopped.

During their early Monday morning call, Biden and Sunak talked about the ongoing Houthi strikes backed by Iran. They said once more that they would protect sailors from attacks, allow free navigation, and trade between countries. Along with increasing humanitarian help in Gaza, the leaders also talked about freeing hostages held by Hamas.

The Houthi-run TV station Al Masirah said there were hits in the provinces of Sanaa, Taiz, and Bayda, as well as near Sanaa at the al-Dailami air base. This shows how tense things are in the area and how hard the US and its partners are working to deal with Houthi threats in the Red Sea.

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