WWE Raw will be available on Netflix starting in 2025

The famous weekly pro wrestling show WWE Raw will only be available to watch on Netflix starting next year. This is a big change from the 31 years it has been shown on TV. The choice comes from TKO, a business that was formed when WWE Raw and UFC merged. Viewers in the US, Canada, the UK, and Latin America will be affected by the change first. Later, it will be made available in other countries as well.

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Outside of the US, Netflix users will be able to watch all weekly WWE Raw, such as live events and pay-per-view shows like Royal Rumble, Summer Slam, and WrestleMania. Fans have enjoyed WWE Raw for years due to its live shows and exciting plots. In the US, 17.5 million people watch it every week, and it has a huge social media following of 1 billion people.

The president of WWE, Nick Khan, said that he thought Netflix would be the “ideal long-term home for Raw’s live, loyal, and ever-growing fan base.” This move shows how the way people receive material is changing, with streaming services becoming the most popular way for people all over the world to do so.

Jones now owns the trademark for his stage name, “The Rock,” thanks to this partnership

Besides this big news, TKO also said that Dwayne Johnson, the famous wrestler-turned-actor, has joined the company as a director. Jones now owns the trademark for his stage name, “The Rock,” thanks to this partnership. Since Johnson made an unexpected showing on Raw earlier this month, this move has led to rumors that he might be going back to wrestling.

Fans and people in the wrestling community are excited to see how the move to Netflix will affect how people watch WWE Raw and how easy it is to get other WWE Raws. Together with Dwayne Johnson’s help, the relationship with Netflix adds a new dimension to professional wrestling that fits with how digital entertainment is changing.

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